Inside the Orchestra

Raised $5560

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.

– Plato

Music has been a part of our lives since the beginning of time. We use it to lull our children to sleep, colors our spiritual services, mark our significant events and share both our loneliest and happiest moments. Music comforts, lifts and inspires us on a daily basis.

Tom Jensen is a man who understands the value of music in our lives. As the conductor for the Inside the Orchestra, this year’s beneficiary, Tom strives to bring quality music into the lives of Colorado’s youth. His success is seen in each of the 50 Tiny Tots and Inside the Orchestra programs, he performs each year. These programs, unique in the nation, make classical music tangible and exciting for over 25,000 inner-city and suburban Colorado school children each year.

Quality music is no less important to us today than it was in Plato’s day. Yet, art programs across the state are sorely underfunded. Join us on November 22nd to support the Junior Symphony Guild in filling in the missing gap. The monies from the 2008 wine tasting will go toward funding concerts at Elber Elementary and Goldrick Elementary both Title 1 schools.