Raised $7577

“I’d rather pay grocery bills then doctor bills” – my mother
Anyone who knows me knows that food is important in the Weinstein house. A large percentage of our income and my time goes into making sure my kids eat healthily. I do this because I believe that eating well impacts every aspect of your life.
In Colorado, we pride ourselves on our health. We are active and generally eat right. Colorado is the least obese state in the United States yet you might be surprised to know that …..
- Only 44.1% of Coloradans are currently at a normal weight (not obese or overweight)
- Between 1990 and 1998 obesity-related deaths in the state increased 26%
- At the current rate of increase, 2/3 Coloradans will be overweight or obese by 2017
- $874 million is spent in Colorado each year treating obesity and diet-related diseases.
and this is the state with the lowest obesity rate.
Clearly …. something is wrong.
The organization we chose for 2011 is about change … lasting change.
GrowHaus is an urban indoor farm whose mission is to support the growth of healthy, self-empowered communities through education, green jobs, and sustainable food production. They are located in the Elyria-Swanson neighborhood of North Denver. Elyria-Swanson has been designated as an urban food desert: an area where food is nonexistent, not healthy or just too expensive.